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Cafe Noir (Demo)

A dark dating sim involving werewolves and vampires · By CaptainSadist


Recent updates

Quick Update - Nov '23
Hey everyone! Long time no see. CptSadist here. I know it's been a bit dead here for Cafe Noir, but I truly do promise that progress is still being made. It's j...
Quick Announcement
Hey there everyone. It's been quite a while since my last update, and I deeply apologize for that. Life has really been kicking me in the ass lately, and on top...
Upcoming Updates - May 2022
Hello, everyone! I hope you've all been enjoying Silas's date and the other content in the game so far! I've been working on the next update, so here's what to...
Silas Route Guide
Here's a guide on how to get to Silas's route! Silas's route takes a couple extra steps to get to than the others, and since he's not a secret character or anyt...
Patch 1.2.5 / Silas Date 1 Live!
Hi, everyone! I've released the next update, which comes with a whole new date and content for Silas! This update includes five new sprites for Silas, three new...
3 files — 1.2.5
My Tumblr!
Hey everyone! This devlog is a little different than my other ones, but I'm promoting my Tumblr! I use it for posting art of characters from both Cafe Noir and...
Upcoming Updates - April 2022 (2)
Hi everybody! I hope you're enjoying Tobi's first date while I've been working on the next update! I know I've already made a post for this month, but I've been...
Upcoming Updates - April 2022
Hello, everyone! Just wanted to pop in and say that progress has already begun for the next update! I wanted to make a post and let you all know what I have don...

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